
Bonito fish

Bonito fish (also known as bonitas in the United States) are little tuna-like fish. Katsunonus pelamis is known as the Oceanic bonito in Europe, but it is known as the skipjack in the United States. In a broad sense, bonitos can be found in both the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans. Their fins fold into grooves frequently, and their tails are crescent-shaped. Their bodies are perfectly suited to living in the ocean. The pelamid or Belted bonito, Sarda sarda, sometimes known as the Atlantic bonito in the United States, can be found on both sides of the Atlantic and in the Mediterranean, and occasionally reaches British shores. It grows to be 3 feet (91 centimetres) long, with high-quality white meat canned in the United States.

The Oceanic bonito has a similar distribution and grows to be roughly the same size as the Pacific bonito. It varies from the Belted Bonito by having bluish stripes that run horizontally rather than obliquely down the lower section of the body. It possesses a stunning turn of speed of around 25 mph (40 kph), allowing it to chase flying fishes while leaping clear out of the water. CLASS: Pisces, FAMILY: Scombridae, ORDER: Perciformes, FAMILY: Scombridae

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